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Six go mad in Mallorca - is cycling the new skiing?

Six go mad in Mallorca - is cycling the new skiing?

There’s been a lot in the press lately about cycling being the new golf, but personally I was never drawn to the balls and sticks - but skiing, that’s a whole new ball game. Where I once headed to the Alps for a week’s skiing each spring - now with a bike in tow my attention has switched to the warmer slopes of Portugal, Spain, and most recently… Mallorca.

The similarities with skiing are quite pronounced in Mallorca, partly because of the sheer number of cyclists out there but also because most stick to riding around the Tramuntana mountains on the north side of the Island. Riding over for the day they all kick back in a café sipping coffee. Everywhere you look has a very similar ambience to a ski resort, including people queuing to buy their overpriced refreshments in footwear not really designed for walking.

 Mallorca Cycling

In early spring, before the main body of tourists arrives clogging the roads with coaches and hire cars, Mallorca really is a paradise for cyclists. Six of us went over from Team Shutt on a fact finding mission and had an amazing time exploring the climbs. It wasn't all fun, we got some good training miles in and took advantage of the opportunity to thoroughly test out the new Shutt performance kit from our Italian factory. I’m happy to report that it passed with flying colours.


Within the next few weeks, versions of this new kit will be available to buy on the Shutt website. In fact, the team bibshorts are already in stock – and you can buy a pair by clicking here.

- Justin

Luke in Mallorca

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